what the hell.
the exams were long enough and we all had to sit through a whole load of shit just to wake up at 2 in the morning and read my textbooks for the first time and suffer panic attacks and last minute crammings for TWO WEEKS.
well technically 7 days BUT all the same,
then after the computer paper (which was the last paper), everyone gets exactly 16 hours of fun subtracting 10 hours because we all had to catch up on our sleep and another two for the manunited match which we won 3-0, and the remaining 4 hours for whatever.
but the thing is, after the 16 hours are up, i get to go to school and get my add math marks shoved down my throat which i failed. so i become, emo. THEN i get to recieve my COMPUTER marks which i ALSO fail which ends up with me feeling somewhat suicidal. (well not really, since i planned to fail it anyway)
so in a nutshell, i have failed two subjects already.
but i am twice as miserable because there simply wasn't enough time to celebrate my post exams period. 4 HOURS. FOUR. thats exactly one chem paper 2 and one maths paper 1.
thats IT. then i hafta feel guilty cause i didnt try hard enough and this automatically makes my brain think that i should go home pick up a book and start revising.
geez, the least the teachers could do was give us another day or two to let the whole post exam feeling sink in. but NOOOO, we get to be fucked in the ass immediately .
fucking assholes.
but nonetheless the exams ARE over and this year IS the last post exams activity we'll ever have in this blisteringly short life of ours'.