Saturday, 20 September 2008

looks at her daughter with such sad and solemn eyes
and holds her hand
grips it tight.
tear drops fall 
drop by drop,
upon her daughter's hand.
she looks into her eyes
the way she did, 
when her daughter 
just came into this world.
 she stops crying
and wipes away her tears
for she must be strong
for her.

lies there on her bed
and holds her mother's hand.
she turns to her mother,
but she cannot see.
she tries to tell her something,
but she cannot speak.
her love for her mother
can no longer be expressed by words.
but by touch
and so she holds her mother's hand

planted this seed not so long ago
and watched it slowly grow.
she showered it with love and care
so that the tree would never go bare.
tragedy stuck,
the leaves began to fall.
she tried and tried to cure the tree
but her efforts were in vain.
the tree was bare
in the morning
it had died in the night
the last leaf fell so quietly,
so silently.
but the tree would suffer no more
the tree
was free.

rest in peace
Su Lian.
your strength and courage inspires us to reach for greater heights.

So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives our memories, and memories give life to thee.